While trying to navigate the uncharted waters of COVID-19, Guardian Pharmacy of Atlanta recognized that now, more than ever, communication between communities and the pharmacy is of utmost importance. Communities are stretched to their limits with the lockdown. residents are going to the hospital and returning faster than medications can be entered onto a MAR. Our leaders at Guardian Pharmacy Atlanta recognized this stress on our communities and decided to create a new role to help ease transition of hospital transfers, resident status change, and day-to-day order management. With consideration to our qualified staff, the choice of personnel was difficult. However, one star shone brightly: Quadria Merkson, quality assurance specialist.
Quadria has been with Guardian Pharmacy Atlanta for more than five years. She began as a data entry technician and has since been promoted to data entry supervisor. Her heart is as beautiful as her smile, and she is dedicated to the residents and staff in our communities.
When asked what this new role meant to her, she said, “this new position will allow me more opportunity to better assist our residents by allowing a closer, more consistent communication line with the community staff.”
She believes in being proactive, rather than reactive, and knows that this will reduce stress on everyone – both pharmacy and community staff.
One of Quadria’s main responsibilities will be to request community census two days prior to medication cycles being run. This will save our residents money, since medications will not be sent, and families will not be charged for unused medications. Quadria says that verifying the census will also prevent overstock of unwanted medications, making it much easier to locate and organize medications at the community. This process will also save communities time, as there will be no calling, faxing, or waiting on pick-up of return medications.
Knowing resident status at the time of cycle medication preparation is one of the more challenging parts of pharmacy medication management. The work that goes into the process is substantial – from verifying orders, obtaining refills, packaging medications, and then checking for accuracy of prescriptions. Finally, the medications must be toted, delivered and billed.
Quadria asks that you please help assist her in staying current on your census, so together we can meet our goal of taking the best care of each resident.
Please say hello to Quadria when she calls you. She is looking forward to getting to know you even better!
If you are looking for a quality long-term care pharmacy and would like to know more about Guardian Pharmacy Atlanta, please call us at 770-635-3301. We have years of experience in long-term care and would love to introduce you to our services.